Computers in La Ciotat.

ActiVpart Computer is located in La Ciotat since 2006 and offers services tailored to professionals and individuals.

His specialties are: creation of websites, the development of secure applications online, network implementation, consulting.

ActiVpart can also provide you with all the software and hardware as a certifiate computer dealer, guiding you in your choice to retain the solutions best suited to your needs.

ActiVpart offers computer repair service on site or in our workshops. An estimate is made before each intervention. No surprise.


ActiVpart can provide training for individuals or Computer professionals on various topics: Operating systems, Networks, creation of websites, desktop software, programming languages, databases.

Free software for billing and inventory

Activgest is a software billing and inventory management free online: You can use it for free within 5 invoices per month and 10 products in stock. In addition, you can purchase a subscription from 20 Euros per month, terminable at any time if the software no longer suits you. This formula “online” or “SAAP” is the future of software, because it is the easiest and most economical. Activgest contains many modules: Quotes, Invoices, Delivery notes, stocks, products nomenclatures, EDM, machine fleet management, tracking interventions, reports PivotTables Excel, accounting EBP iTool interface …